Tuesday, July 15, 2014

About Yoga: Take Yoga Three Times Daily

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Yoga Styles


Poses & Workouts

From Ann Pizer, your Guide to Yoga

Though some types of yoga insist on early morning practice, most of us fit in our yoga when we can manage to carve some time out of our busy days. Here are three practices for three different time of day.

Morning: Awaken

In the morning, it's good idea to start off slowly, especially if you roll out of bed directly onto your mat. You can ramp up the intensity as you go by adding in some sun salutations so that you finish energized for the day ahead. 

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Noon: Invigorate

A midday show of strength is just the thing to prevent an afternoon slump. 

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Night: Relax

A series of relaxing poses is a good choice for the end of the day. This eight-pose sequence helps you unwind. If you do more vigorous practice in the evening, make sure to include some time for relaxation to help you transition to sleep.

Search Related Topics:  resting poses  restoratives  stress management

What's the Best Time to Do Yoga?

Whenever you can do it is the short answer, though you'll probably notice that your practice feels different at different times of day.

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Ann Pizer
Yoga Guide
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