Wednesday, July 16, 2014

About Low Fat Cooking: No Fork Required

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Low Fat Cooking

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From Fiona Haynes, your Guide to Low Fat Cooking
It's not just state-fair food that tastes good on sticks.While my kids might argue that cake pops are the ultimate food on a stick, I love kebabs: those delectable chunks of meat, fish and vegetables on wooden or bamboo skewers. The possibilities are endless, but we kick off this week's newsletter with 10 ideas to get you started.


10 Low Fat Kebab Recipes

Just about anything tastes better on sticks, so whether you enjoy chicken, fish, shrimp, pork or fruit, you'll find something delicious to thread on to a wooden or metal skewer and toss onto the grill.


Summer Chicken and Tomatoes
Here's a simple summer chicken recipe that makes the most of fresh tomatoes and basil, and a generous dose of garlic. For variety, use some baby heirloom tomatoes, or at least a mix of yellow and red cherry tomatoes.

Grilled Southwest Chicken
A simple spice rub transforms ho-hum chicken breasts into a flavorful delight. Slice the chicken and use in salads, sandwiches, or quesadillas

Tomato Cucumber Salad
This is such a simple salad, yet it's one of my favorite side salads of all. Fresh basil works beautifully with this salad, bu for a change you can also try fresh mint.
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Fiona Haynes
Low Fat Cooking Guide
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