Tuesday, May 26, 2015

What Are The Icky Threes?

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What Are The Icky Threes?

Knowledge of what we might experience as we move through recovery from nicotine addiction is crucial because it allows us to plan for the challenges.

An educated quit is a successful quit!

Have a great week, all.
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Terry Martin
Smoking Cessation Expert
What are The Icky Threes?
Some of us are lucky enough to avoid the Icky Threes entirely, but knowledge is power.  When we know the challenges that may lie ahead, we can prepare to navigate them.
Nicotine Addiction Recovery: Myths vs. Facts
Let's look as some common misconceptions about recovery from nicotine addiction that can hinder your chances for success.
20 Facts You Might Not Know about Nicotine
While research is ongoing regarding nicotine and how it affects the human body, a number of facts about the hazards of nicotine are available today, some of which might surprise you.
8 Signs That You're In Nicotine Withdrawal
Nicotine withdrawal causes a variety of physical (and mental) symptoms. Eight of the most common discomforts are reviewed, with tips to manage them.
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