Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The Crazy Lies Smokers Tell Themselves

Anyone who has ever battled nicotine addiction knows the crazy mind games we go through to justify smoking.  This week's spotlight is a compilation of some of those lies from ex-smokers - see if you see yourself in any of them.

Have a great week, all.

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The Crazy Lies Smokers Tell Themselves

Anyone who has ever battled nicotine addiction knows the crazy mind games we go through to justify smoking.  This week's spotlight is a compilation of some of those lies from ex-smokers - see if you see yourself in any of them.

Have a great week, all.

Terry Martin
Smoking Cessation Expert
Mimes acting out Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil
The Crazy Lies I Told Myself as a Smoker  
Oh, the crazy things we used to tell ourselves so that we could smoke in "peace".
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10 Risks For Your Unborn Child if You Smoke While Pregnant  
What science currently knows about the risks for the unborn child when pregnant mothers smoke.
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24 Benefits at One Year Smoke-Free - Marah's Story  
At a year smoke-free, the list of physical and emotional benefits from quitting are impressive, as Marah shows us in her quit story.
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20 Reasons Smoking Worried Me - Ex-Smokers Share  
All smokers know the nagging fear that smoking will make them sick. Here several ex-smokers share the worries that finally helped them quit for good.
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