Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Do you accept article submissions?


After my husband died three years ago, I realized I had no idea what he wanted for his funeral. We had a lovely ceremony, but I couldn't help but wonder if it was what he would have wanted. 

So, a year or so after his death, I sat down to plan my own funeral. Now, it's all in writing and I've taken steps to make sure the costs of my funeral and burial will be covered so my family won't be burdened. 

Most people I talk to haven't taken steps to plan for their funeral. When I bring it up, they usually think it's a good idea; they just don't know how to get started. I'd love to write about it for your website if you're interested. What I'm thinking is a sort of ABCs of funeral planning. 

Do you think your readers would find the article helpful? 

Thank you,

Camille Johnson



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