Tuesday, July 29, 2014

About Smoking Cessation: Superman Doesn't Smoke

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Smoking Cessation

Health Risks

How to Quit

After Quitting

From Terry Martin, your Guide to Smoking Cessation

With thousands of our kids lighting up for the first time every single day in the U.S. alone, it is imperative that we start the dialog about the dangers of tobacco use early and that we reinforce it often.

Have a great week, everyone.  Make it count!

Superman Doesn't Smoke
Every single day in the United States, close to 3,200 young people under the age of 18 try smoking for the first time.   And nicotine addiction doesn't take long to set in.  Research shows that it can begin to get its hooks into kids within days or weeks of that first experimentation.
Search Related Topics:  teen smoking  health risks of smoking 

22 Things I've Learned About Quitting Smoking
After 40 years of smoking, About.com Smoking Cessation forum member Nenejune wasn't sure she'd ever be able to quit.  On completion of her first smoke-free year however, it was clear she was done for good.  Her perspectives about recovery from nicotine addiction showed a fundamental change in the relationship she had with cigarettes.

Is it Okay to Smoke One Cigarette After Quitting?
When we quit smoking, most of us go through a fair amount of junkie thinking - the internal battle between nicotine addiction and ourselves. It's important to realize ahead of time that the mental contortions we experience are a normal part of the recovery process.

Pesticides in Cigarette Smoke
A pesticide is defined as a chemical used to kill pests, usually insects. Pesticides are toxic, and if we use them on our lawns or gardens, we're careful to avoid direct contact, if possible. We certainly wouldn't knowingly breathe pesticides into our lungs, yet that is exactly what smokers do every time they puff on a cigarette.

Related Searches
Featured Articles
Teen Smoking - Information for Teens and Their Families
The Dangers of Secondhand Smoke
Tobacco Related Disease Pictures
Tobacco Research and Reform - Information and Resources
Cigars, Pipes and Smokeless Tobacco


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This newsletter is written by:
Terry Martin
Smoking Cessation Guide
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Must Reads
Quit Tools
Nicotine Withdrawal
After the Last Cigarette
10 Tips for Quit Success
Smoking Pros and Cons
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