Tuesday, July 29, 2014

About Yoga: 9 Yoga Poses That Tone Your Arms

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Yoga Styles


Poses & Workouts

From Ann Pizer, your Guide to Yoga

Today's theme is brought to you by the half an hour I spent lifting weights at the gym today, all the while thinking, "I wish I had just gone to yoga."

9 Pose Yoga Workout for Arms

Poses where your arms bear your body's weight will strengthen and define your upper arms. Here's an arm strengthening sequence you can do at home.

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Yoga Poses for Arm Strength Library

Even more arm-focused poses (plus great alignment tips) you can incorporate in to your routine. 

Search Related Topics:  yoga for arms  arm balances 

Do Chaturangas, But Don't Overdo It

While it's true that doing more chaturanga push-ups will tone your arms, don't go overboard with this pose. When you get tired and your alignment gets sloppy, you put yourself at risk for injury. 

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Tips for Jumping Through, Ashtanga-Style

Could your arms be too short to jump through? Aunt Yoga is on the case.

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Ann Pizer
Yoga Guide
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