Tuesday, July 15, 2014

About Cholesterol: Keeping It Heart-Healthy While You Travel

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From Jennifer Moll, PharmD , your Guide to Cholesterol

It's getting to be that time of the year when the traveling bug begins to bite. And, while it's good to have a vacation away from the stress of work and everyday life, it is never a good time to take a vacation from keeping your heart healthy.

How to Eat Healthy While Traveling

Temptation to deviate from a heart-healthy diet is high when you're away from your healthy foods. However, there are many ways to eat healthy while you are traveling -- ranging from bringing your own healthy snacks to healthy food selections in restaurants.

Tips for Eating Out at Fast Food Restaurants

When you're on the road, sometimes the only options you have for meals are at fast food restaurants. This article will show you how to select healthy foods at fast food restaurants without sabotaging your cholesterol levels.

Healthy Snacking on a Low Cholesterol Diet

Having trouble figuring out which snacks to bring with you on your trip that won't raise your cholesterol? This article will help. There are many healthy selections that will satisfy your hunger -- and won't damage your cholesterol-lowering efforts.

How To Distinguish Between Low and High Cholesterol Foods

Do you have certain foods you like to stash in your suitcase during your travels? If so, this handy guide will show you how to tell if your favorite foods are cholesterol-friendly.

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Featured Articles
Camping Out on a Cholesterol-Lowering Diet
Delicious Small Desserts at Familiar Restaurants
Eating Healthy While Dining Out
Low-Cholesterol Restaurant Breakfasts
Healthy Picnic Tips for Your Cholesterol-Lowering Diet
Low-Cholesterol Fast Food Entrees


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This newsletter is written by:
Jennifer Moll, PharmD
Cholesterol Guide
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Must Reads
What Is High Cholesterol?
Symptoms of High Cholesterol
Diagnosis of High Cholesterol
Treatment of High Cholesterol
Prevention of High Cholesterol
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