Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Is There Such a Thing as Good Enough Sex?

That most, if not all, of us are somewhat screwed up about sex, that few, if any, of us have an accurate understanding of the sex lives of the people in our communities, that we all have times when we are sure everyone else is having better sex than we are, are all facts that seem completely reasonable to me given the way we talk about sex.

Not that we talk about it that much, but when we do, sex is either something to be feared or exalted.  It’s heaven or hell, transcendence or sinful.  

I’m in the unique position of having talked one on one with thousands of people about their sex lives.  So I can say, with some certainty that most of the sex we are having is none of the above.  I believe most of the sex we have is good enough.  And this week I want to propose that good enough sex is, well, good enough.  ~ Cory
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Is There Such a Thing as Good Enough Sex?
That most, if not all, of us are somewhat screwed up about sex, that few, if any, of us have an accurate understanding of the sex lives of the people in our communities, that we all have times when we are sure everyone else is having better sex than we are, are all facts that seem completely reasonable to me given the way we talk about sex.

Not that we talk about it that much, but when we do, sex is either something to be feared or exalted.  It’s heaven or hell, transcendence or sinful.  

I’m in the unique position of having talked one on one with thousands of people about their sex lives.  So I can say, with some certainty that most of the sex we are having is none of the above.  I believe most of the sex we have is good enough.  And this week I want to propose that good enough sex is, well, good enough.  ~ Cory
Cory Silverberg
Sexuality Expert
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When Sex Is Good Enough  
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