Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Sexual Resolutions for 2016

When you look around at socially acceptable New Year's resolutions (the kinds you see in advertisements, read in blog posts, and find on morning television) you don't see much sex.  Work out more, yes.  Spend more time with the kids, absolutely.  Have more sex, never mind have more sex you really want, not so much.

This will eventually change.  As both pharmaceutical manufacturers and sex toy makers increasingly push sexual activity and sexual health into a commercial zone, it won't be long before calls to have more sex will be right up there alongside the pressure to lose weight, have more patience, or give more to charity.

I've always avoid making resolutions.  I'm the sort of person who takes a resolution as a challenge to fail.  I wasn't able to quit smoking until I finally stopped obsessing about quitting smoking.  But I do like the habit of marking time and setting intentions, so I've set down six resolutions that, if I were the sort of person to make and keep them, I'd want to make.  And maybe keep.  

Whether you've been reading since 2005 or since yesterday, thanks as always for taking the time to read, and I hope you have as safe and happy a new year as possible.  ~ Cory
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Sexual Resolutions for 2016
When you look around at socially acceptable New Year's resolutions (the kinds you see in advertisements, read in blog posts, and find on morning television) you don't see much sex.  Work out more, yes.  Spend more time with the kids, absolutely.  Have more sex, never mind have more sex you really want, not so much.

This will eventually change.  As both pharmaceutical manufacturers and sex toy makers increasingly push sexual activity and sexual health into a commercial zone, it won't be long before calls to have more sex will be right up there alongside the pressure to lose weight, have more patience, or give more to charity.

I've always avoid making resolutions.  I'm the sort of person who takes a resolution as a challenge to fail.  I wasn't able to quit smoking until I finally stopped obsessing about quitting smoking.  But I do like the habit of marking time and setting intentions, so I've set down six resolutions that, if I were the sort of person to make and keep them, I'd want to make.  And maybe keep.  

Whether you've been reading since 2005 or since yesterday, thanks as always for taking the time to read, and I hope you have as safe and happy a new year as possible.  ~ Cory
Cory Silverberg
Sexuality Expert
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New Year's Sexual Resolutions  
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