Tuesday, January 21, 2014

About Yoga: Yogis at the 2014 Olympics

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The Winter Olympics in Sochi are right around the corner. Although yoga will not be contested (the movement to include competitive yoga is focused on the Summer Games), it will be represented, since so many athletes include yoga in their training. 

Yogis at the 2014 Olympics

Many elite athletes do yoga as part of their training. Physically, yoga improves whole-body strength and flexibility, which can prevent injuries. Many of the members of the U.S. Olympic team also cite yoga's mental benefits, which help them focus and relax before and during competition. See what top Team U.S.A. athletes like Gracie Gold, Heather McPhie, Jamie Anderson, and Paralympian Evan Strong, among others, have to say about yoga.

Search Related Topics:  yoga for athletes  winter sports  sochi 2014

Should Yoga Be in the Olympics?
I started this poll in 2008, when I first heard about the possibility of yoga becoming an Olympic sport. See which way readers like you have voted.

Yoga for Strength Workout
Train like an Olympian with this sequence designed to build strength.
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Pose of the Week: Standing Forward Bend - Uttanasana
Since we're looking at this pose in the context of the sun salutation sequence, I want to talk about how you get into uttanasana from urdhva hastasana. It's often described as a swan dive, but that perhaps places too much emphasis on what the arms are doing. While it feels good to open your arms wide as you forward bend, you can also take the hands in anjali mudra down through the center line of the body. Focus on your legs instead. Take your thighs back and let the forward bend come from the deepening of your hip creases.
Search Related Topics:  sun salutation  standing poses  beginning poses

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Ann Pizer
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