Monday, January 11, 2016

It's Not Uncommon To Need to Take Insulin if You Have Type 2 Diabetes

Many people are under the false impression that if they need to take insulin that "they've failed their diabetes." This is not true. Diabetes is a progressive disease, as time goes on the pancreas can get tired and the body may need insulin from another source. Today people can take insulin via, pen, syringe, pump and even non-injectable techniques. There are many different types of insulin too. Some people need insulin for meal-time, where others need a small amount of insulin to help to lower their blood sugars throughout the day. If you are someone who may need insulin, learn more about it here...

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It's Not Uncommon To Need to Take Insulin if You Have Type 2 Diabetes

Many people are under the false impression that if they need to take insulin that "they've failed their diabetes." This is not true. Diabetes is a progressive disease, as time goes on the pancreas can get tired and the body may need insulin from another source. Today people can take insulin via, pen, syringe, pump and even non-injectable techniques. There are many different types of insulin too. Some people need insulin for meal-time, where others need a small amount of insulin to help to lower their blood sugars throughout the day. If you are someone who may need insulin, learn more about it here...

Barbie Cervoni, RD, CDE
Type 2 Diabetes Expert
Mealtime Insulin and Type 2 Diabetes
Insulin is a hormone that is secreted by the pancreas to help take sugar from your blood stream to your cells to use for energy. People with Type 2 diabetes make insulin but sometimes not enough to lower sugars, and usually their bodies don't respond well to the insulin they make. If you've had diabetes for a long time...
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Afreeza-Inhaled Insulin for Type 2 Diabetes
If you have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes and are tired of taking multiple daily insulin injections, you'll be happy to hear that the Food and Drug Administration has just approved a new inhaled insulin, Afreeza. Afreeza is a powdered fast-acting insulin, created to help reduce meal-time blood sugars. It is unclear...
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What Is the V-Go Insulin Patch Pump
The V-Go from Valeritas is a new type wearable disposable insulin delivery device for Type 2 diabetes. The old school of thought is that insulin delivery systems such as pumps and pens were meant for people with Type 1 diabetes only. While people with Type 2 diabetes do make insulin, eventually some people with Type 2 diabetes require insulin to achieve the best possible blood sugar control. Starting insulin doesn't mean that you are failing in managing your diabetes...
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Type 2 Diabetes and Insulin Pumps
Typically, patients with Type 1 diabetes use insulin pumps. But, there are some instances in which a pump is an option for someone with Type 2 diabetes as well. Research suggests that insulin pumps are useful for Type 2 diabetes patients with severe insulin resistance and poor glycemic control despite sufficient insulin titration and adherence to recommendations on diet and exercise...
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