Monday, January 25, 2016

Basic Concepts in Diabetes Self Management You Should Know About

If you or someone you love was recently diagnosed with diabetes you might be feeling overwhelmed. The good news is that once you have a basic understanding of how to manage your diabetes you can continually learn what methodologies work best for you. For starters, you will want to learn about what foods impact your blood sugars the most, what your blood sugars mean and where they should be and updates in the world of diabetes care. Take one day at a time and remember that you control your diabetes.  

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Basic Concepts in Diabetes Self Management You Should Know About

If you or someone you love was recently diagnosed with diabetes you might be feeling overwhelmed. The good news is that once you have a basic understanding of how to manage your diabetes you can continually learn what methodologies work best for you. For starters, you will want to learn about what foods impact your blood sugars the most, what your blood sugars mean and where they should be and updates in the world of diabetes care. Take one day at a time and remember that you control your diabetes.  

Barbie Cervoni, RD, CDE
Type 2 Diabetes Expert
New Diabetes Guidelines-What Does This Mean for You?
It's that time of year again - the American Diabetes Association has released it's yearly practice guidelines. Each year, the Association aims to improve the guidelines so that patients, providers, clinicians and payers can have documentation to rely on as the most accurate and up-to-date information in diabetes self management care. Clinical recommendations are evidenced based and thoroughly reviewed. For those people that have diabetes...
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Difference Between Complex, Simple and Refined Carbs
A healthy diet is essential for managing diabetes and losing weight. And there are certain foods that you need to choose carefully, particularly carbohydrates. But, this can be a confusing task. We are told to avoid simple carbs and refined ones, and choose complex ones, but what does that all mean?
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7 Fruits to Avoid if You Have Type 2 Diabetes
If you have diabetes, chance are someone has said that you are not alloweto eat fruit. This is not true; people with diabetes can eat fruit and fruit can be included in a healthy eating plan. But, because fruit is a carbohydrate, fruit will affect your blood sugar and you cannot eat unlimited amounts. And certain fruits may cause your blood sugars to spike at a quicker pace than others. The tricky part about eating with diabetes is that everyone responds to food differently.
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Blood Sugar Targets

Self monitoring blood sugars can help patients with Type 2 diabetes on insulin or oral agents evaluate their individual response to therapy and can be used as a tool for both the person and practitioner to make changes in diet, exercise, and medicines.

Studies suggest that people with diabetes who test their blood sugar may have lower HbA1c (3 month average of blood sugar) more

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