Saturday, January 16, 2016

What Your Due Date Doesn't Mean

One of the first things you want to figure out when you find out you are pregnant is when you can expect your baby to be born. This is known as a due date. What people often forget is that the official name is estimated due date (EDD) or estimated date of confinement (EDC) (That's because we used to think of pregnancy as an inappropropriate word.). So once you know this magical date, all of these things start to happen surrounding them and the truth is - there isn't much behind it. Read below to find out why and how you can prevent errors in the due date from hurting your baby.

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What Your Due Date Doesn't Mean

One of the first things you want to figure out when you find out you are pregnant is when you can expect your baby to be born. This is known as a due date. What people often forget is that the official name is estimated due date (EDD) or estimated date of confinement (EDC) (That's because we used to think of pregnancy as an inappropropriate word.). So once you know this magical date, all of these things start to happen surrounding them and the truth is - there isn't much behind it. Read below to find out why and how you can prevent errors in the due date from hurting your baby.

Robin Elise Weiss, PhD
Pregnancy & Childbirth Expert
Pregnancy Wheel - Gestation Calculator
What Your Due Date Does NOT Mean  

A look at some myths about due dates and how you can figure out the most accurate due date to protect your baby.

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Pregnant woman looking at day planner, mid section.
Calculate When Your Baby Will Be Born  

This is the simple calculation, with some tweaks to help personalize it for you. This can mean a more accurate date for your pregnancy.

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Pregnancy Due Date Calendar
Questions to Ask About Changing Your Due Date  

A large percentage of women will have their due dates changed in pregnancy. Sometimes this is a result of a mistake, but here's why you want to be cautious. 

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Pregnancy Wheel
This Calculator Knows When You Got Pregnant  

The backwards method of pregnancy calculation actually uses your due date to figure out when you conceived.

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Woman looking at check up appointment.
How Many Weeks Pregnant Are You?  

How many week you are in pregnancy will help you figure out the best times for certain tests and procedures, to minimize risk and errors.

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