Monday, January 25, 2016

How NOT to Deal with Morning Sickness

There are certainly enough pregnant women who suffer from nausea and vomiting in pregnancy that we all know morning sickness as a ubiquitous sign of pregnancy. That doesn't mean we always cope well with nausea and vomiting whether it's in the morning, the evening, or all darned day. Here are some things you want to remember when trying to deal with morning sickness.

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How NOT to Deal with Morning Sickness

There are certainly enough pregnant women who suffer from nausea and vomiting in pregnancy that we all know morning sickness as a ubiquitous sign of pregnancy. That doesn't mean we always cope well with nausea and vomiting whether it's in the morning, the evening, or all darned day. Here are some things you want to remember when trying to deal with morning sickness.

Robin Elise Weiss, PhD
Pregnancy & Childbirth Expert
Man Caring for a Woman
Don't Skimp on Support  

While no one else can actually be sick for you, there are ways that the people around you can help you. Even if they don't offer - ask for help.

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Pregnant at Work
Don't Forget to Plan for Work  

When you are sick with the flu, you're sick for a couple of days, so you stay home. Pregnancy, and morning sickness, can last a couple of months or more, so staying home from work isn't an option. Planning ahead can help ease the ramifications at work.

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Pregnant Woman Throwing Up
Don't Tolerate Bad Manners  

Look, there are rude people everywhere, and they can say some nasty things or at the very least, inconsiderate things. Are you prepared to deal with them?

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Young woman leaning over bathroom sink, holding glass of water.
Don't Forget You're Not Alone  

Other women have been there before you, and more will certainly come after you. Here is some great advice from others who have survived.

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