Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Sex at Work When You Work at Home

As someone who works from home, I'm aware of how many companies, books, websites, magazines, and smiling people are out there offering to help make my home office better, smarter, happier.

And I'm just as aware that none of them have ever asked about my sex life.  So, after some encouragement from readers, I thought it was time to ask myself some hard questions about sex in the home (office).  I promise, there are no photos accompanying this article.  ~  Cory
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Sex at Work When You Work at Home
As someone who works from home, I'm aware of how many companies, books, websites, magazines, and smiling people are out there offering to help make my home office better, smarter, happier.

And I'm just as aware that none of them have ever asked about my sex life.  So, after some encouragement from readers, I thought it was time to ask myself some hard questions about sex in the home (office).  I promise, there are no photos accompanying this article.  ~  Cory
Cory Silverberg
Sexuality Expert
Sex in the Home Office  
When you think about sex and the workplace one calls to mind inappropriate sexual jokes, thrilling minor flirtations, and sometimes inappropriate boundary crossings.  What does sex in the workplace look like when your workplace is your home?
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A Guide to Negotiating P.D.A.  
If you work from home one thing you don't need to worry about is public displays of affection.  But what if you want those too?
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close up of a cold water shower knob
Masturbation In Relationships  
One of the cliches about working from home is that there’s plenty of time for masturbation.  But what if you’re partner also works from home?  Where and when we masturbate after we get into a relationship is one of those seldom discussed sex topics. 
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Is It Possible to Get Rid of a Fetish  
Often the reasons people give for wanting to get rid of a fetish have more to do with shame and social expectation than their own experience of sexual health or sexual pleasure.  But for those who want to lose a fetish, for any reason, the question remains;  is it even possible?
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