Tuesday, January 5, 2016

How to Start/Restart/Commit to Yoga in 2016!

Happy New Year! In honor of the early days of 2016, I'm trying to cover all the bases on where you might be in your practice. Want to start or restart your practice? Need an easy way to commit to yoga every day? We've got you covered on all counts. 

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How to Start/Restart/Commit to Yoga in 2016!

Happy New Year! In honor of the early days of 2016, I'm trying to cover all the bases on where you might be in your practice. Want to start or restart your practice? Need an easy way to commit to yoga every day? We've got you covered on all counts. 

Ann Pizer
Yoga Expert
Commit to 30 Days of Yoga With This Day by Day Guide  
Take the uncertainty out of a daily practice by using this 30-day plan. I know that it's tough to make the leap from wanting to do yoga regularly to actually getting out a mat and beginning to put poses together. This guide is designed to get you going by providing specific yoga routines for each day and laying out a schedule of increasingly challenging workouts.
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Yoga Class in Downward Facing Dog
How to Get Back Into Doing Yoga  
If the holidays did a number on your yoga schedule, it's time to get back on track. Yoga misses you and wants you back!
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How to Start Doing Yoga  
If you plan to go from wannabe to yogi this year, it's time to get started. I've taken the mystery out of the process by laying out 7 steps you can take to get yourself started.
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Doing Yoga With a Laptop
Sign Up for the Yoga Poses of the Day Email  
Getting a new pose delivered via email every day helps keep you inspired. Sign up now!
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