Tuesday, November 3, 2015

What You Don't Know About Inductions Can Hurt You

Induction of labor is something that many people don't think about until they are discussing it as an option. The risks of inducing labor before your baby is ready are ever present, what you need to know if there are benefits that outweigh the risks. Here's what you need to know and ask.

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What You Don't Know About Inductions Can Hurt You

Induction of labor is something that many people don't think about until they are discussing it as an option. The risks of inducing labor before your baby is ready are ever present, what you need to know if there are benefits that outweigh the risks. Here's what you need to know and ask.

Robin Elise Weiss, LCCE
Pregnancy & Childbirth Expert
Woman in Labor
What You Should Know About Labor Induction  

Did you know that there is more than one way to induce labor? Know what induction of labor looks like and what type of induction will be done, what it entails, what medications or procedures will be used and why that one over another. 

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Doctor and Woman
5 Things to Ask Before an Induction of Labor  

Before you agree to an induction, these questions can help you prepare for what will happen and how your birth plan will need to change.

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Yoga Class While Pregnant
How to Avoid an Induction of Labor  

If you don't need an induction for a medical reason, here are some things to think about that can help you avoid an unnecessary induction.

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Couple with son kissing pregnant belly
5 Natural Labor Induction Techniques  

Trying to get things going at home before an induction with your practitioner? Here's what we know about home methods of induction.

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