Thursday, November 5, 2015

Thanksgiving Foods to Avoid in Pregnancy

Look, I know Thanksgiving is still a few weeks away, but you probably need to start planning your menus now. Even if that isn't true, the celebrations start early and you might encounter some of these things before actual Thanksgiving Day.

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Thanksgiving Foods to Avoid in Pregnancy

Look, I know Thanksgiving is still a few weeks away, but you probably need to start planning your menus now. Even if that isn't true, the celebrations start early and you might encounter some of these things before actual Thanksgiving Day.

Robin Elise Weiss, LCCE
Pregnancy & Childbirth Expert
Thanksgiving Dinner
Thanksgiving Foods to Avoid in Pregnancy  

No one wants to think that their favorite foods (and drinks!) might be harmful, but this is particularly true because we feel really strongly about our Thanksgiving favorites. So put the plate down and read this first.

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Newly pregnant couple
Announcing Your Pregnancy During Thanksgiving  

Maybe you're not as worried about what's on the table but about announcing that you've got a bun in the oven. Here are some ways to break the news this Thanksgiving.

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Women at Baby Shower
Throwing a Thanksgiving Baby Shower  

Hey, while you've got the family together, maybe you want to consider doing a baby shower at the same time? Not necessarily that Thursday but the weekend.

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Turkey Baby
Thanksgiving Inspired Baby Names  
If you're having a baby around the end of November, consider these Thanksgiving inspired baby names for your little one.
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