Monday, November 30, 2015

Get Fit with These Fun Activities

It's a busy time of year which means you need as much energy as possible to get through the long, hectic days. One of the best things to help increase energy levels is exercise. The best kind of exercise is the fun kind. Start exercising today - any activity is better than none. Once you get started learn how to stick with it too.  
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Get Fit with These Fun Activities
It's a busy time of year which means you need as much energy as possible to get through the long, hectic days. One of the best things to help increase energy levels is exercise. The best kind of exercise is the fun kind. Start exercising today - any activity is better than none. Once you get started learn how to stick with it too.  
Barbie Cervoni, RD, CDE
Type 2 Diabetes Expert
Using Wii Fit Can Help Improve Blood Sugars

If you are overweight or have Type 2 diabetes, I bet you have heard that you should be exercising. The benefits of exercise are undeniable. Exercise can help to: improve blood sugars and good cholesterol, reduce weight, increase energy levels, and elevate mood. The problem is that life is busy and it can be hard to find the time to get into an exercise regimen.

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Get Started with an Exercise Program and Stick to It

The most difficult part is getting started and sticking with it. In fact, studies show that individuals with diabetes are among the least likely to engage in physical activity and stick to it. One of the biggest barriers is lack of company. Other factors typically include pain, tiredness, lack of interest and time, depression and difficulty... 

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Outdoor Exercises for Type 2 diabetes

Some of the best workouts take place in outdoor settings where you sometimes don't even realize that you are exercising. Exercising outdoors can be peaceful, fun, and serene. Its also cheap, creative and available whenever is convenient for you...

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Top Trackers and Devices for Diabetes Fitness

Most of us already know that exercise is beneficial to health. The question becomes how do we motivate ourselves to start an exercise routine and how can we stick to it. In today's world, there are so many tools we can use to self-motivate, but it's hard to know which ones are best to use and how to get started using them.

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