Tuesday, November 3, 2015

How Yoga Can Help Constipation (Shhh, We're Talking About Your Bowels)

Not anyone's favorite subject, is it? But if you have trouble with constipation, (1) you’re not alone and (2) you need to find a solution that works for you. If you're looking for natural ways to get things moving, there are some lifestyle changes you can try. Incorporating specific types of yoga poses into your routine can help a lot.
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How Yoga Can Help Constipation (Shhh, We're Talking About Your Bowels)
Not anyone's favorite subject, is it? But if you have trouble with constipation, (1) you’re not alone and (2) you need to find a solution that works for you. If you're looking for natural ways to get things moving, there are some lifestyle changes you can try. Incorporating specific types of yoga poses into your routine can help a lot.
Ann Pizer
Yoga Expert
Discomfort of Constipation
Yoga Poses for Constipation Relief  
Yoga can help when you're constipated by improving motility and reducing stress. Here are three types of poses to try.
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Half Lord of the Fishes Pose - Ardha Matsyendrasana
Yoga Anatomy Myths With Amy Matthews  

We asked Amy Matthews, co-author of Yoga Anatomy, to help bust some yoga myths. One of things things we asked her about are the purported benefits of twists. Read on to see what she said twists can and can't do for you.

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5 Pose Stress Managment Routine for Beginners  
Stress can be a big factor in constipation, so it makes sense that reducing your stress levels will help you let it go (sorry!). This routine is a short and simple way to start working on your stress.
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Chair Yoga Poses  
If you have limited mobility, many of the recommended poses for constipation relief can be done as chair poses. Here's how.
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