Tuesday, April 15, 2014

About Yoga: Feet!

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Yoga Styles


Poses & Workouts

From Ann Pizer, your Guide to Yoga

April is Foot Health Awareness month, so we're taking a look at feet this week. Feet provide the grounding points in yoga's standing poses and help create safe alignment in many other poses. As such, the positioning of the feet is super important. After talking about how to handle painful foot cramps and cold feet, we'll examine a few poses with tricky foot positions. 

Ouch! Foot Cramps in Yoga

Advice columnist Aunt Yoga on what to do when foot cramps strike during yoga.

Search Related Topics:  yoga feet  yoga advice  yoga faq

Yoga Toesox: Yea or Nay?
Do you need special socks for yoga? Did I mention they are toe socks? 
Search Related Topics:  yoga advice  yoga gifts  yoga feet

Wheel Pose - Urdhva Dhanurasana

In yoga, the feet should be kept parallel during backbends like wheel and bridge to protect your knees. There is often a tendency to turn your toes out. Fight it. 

Search Related Topics:  backbends  advanced poses 

Pose of the Week: Half Lord of the Fishes Pose
Here's my ardha matsyendrasana pet peeve: the front foot. It's important to keep it really flat on the floor with the big toe pressing down because this is the anchor point for the whole twist. Let that foot go all loosey goosey and you've lost the integrity of the pose. You have been warned!
Search Related Topics:  seated poses  beginning poses  twists

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Ann Pizer
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