Wednesday, April 23, 2014

About Sexuality: What Is Normal Sex?

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From Cory Silverberg, your Guide to Sexuality

When you hear someone say "that's not normal" in response to a story about this or that person doing this or that thing in bed, what is it that you think?  Is the idea of "normal sex" something that feels comforting and desirable or constricting and boring?   One of the few things I feel confident saying about our sex lives is that each of us needs to figure out what's right and wrong, healthy and unhealthy, for ourselves in the context of our own lives and communities. 

In this case normal is sort of like a set of wrong directions you're given on a long distance car trip.  They may have been offered with the best of intentions, you may feel better having them in your hand, but they still won't get you to where you want to go.  This week's newsletter is less of a new kind of map and more of a description of the terrain.  ~  Cory


What Is Normal Sex?

By definition you'd think the term normal sex would refer to one thing.  But it doesn't take more than the lightest scratch of the surface to discover that there are in fact many definitions and many normals.



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Should I Disclose My Number?

Some people worry it's too low, others worry it's too high.  Whether or not you worry about the number of sexual partners you've had and what you think that means isn't just about you. In fact it's mostly about what other people think of you.



It's Not About Quantity (Except When It Is)
Wondering how often the average couple has sex?  To answer that question you'd have to find an average couple.  Here's how difficult that is.


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The Penis Norm
Speaking of average…


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    Cory Silverberg
    Sexuality Guide
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