Wednesday, April 16, 2014

About Low Fat Cooking: Eggs for Easter

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From Fiona Haynes, your Guide to Low Fat Cooking
On the plus side, eggs are a wonderful source of protein as well as many other important nutrients, but they are often perceived to be a high-fat food. Despite being high in dietary cholesterol, eggs are actually low in saturated fat, unlike most high-cholesterol foods. The problem with eggs is less the eggs themselves, but more to do with how they're prepared and what they're served with.


Low Fat Egg Recipes
Eggs take center stage at Easter, and not just the chocolate variety. Eggs are a symbol of new life. They're also, despite their high cholesterol, low in saturated fat and a wonderful source of protein... Read more

A Low Fat Easter Selection
If you're planning an Easter extravaganza, be it breakfast, brunch, lunch or dinner, here's a nice selection of low fat recipes especially for Easter... Read more

Stuffed Sole With Low-Fat Parsley Sauce
This surprisingly easy fish dish can be on the table in under 30 minutes. You can prepare the low-fat parsley sauce while the fish is baking in the oven.... Read more
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Fiona Haynes
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