Wednesday, April 2, 2014

About Sexuality: More Joy, Less Frustration

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Sex Tips

Sex Talk

Sex Toys

From Cory Silverberg, your Guide to Sexuality

I'm not sure what sexuality would be without friction; be it social, spiritual, emotional, or physical.  But there's a difference between friction and frustration.  This week's newsletter features two questions from readers who are looking for a little more friction and a little less frustration, plus two tips to help you get there, whether alone or with a partner.  Got questions of your own?  I do my best to respond to all my email, and if I use your question online I always remove any identifiable information.  ~  Cory



How Do I Make Masturbation More Enjoyable
An reader writes: "Get ready for some embarrassing/personal stuff.   First off, I am single and want to be that way. I do not want to have sex outside of marriage. Second, I cannot feel my vagina. Third, I have been really horny lately. And, although my religion forbids it, I have been trying to masturbate a lot. Without any sensation "down there", I really do not get any pleasure out of it.   Basically I have a lot of sexual tension but no healthy way of releasing it. Do you have any recommendations? How can I make my masturbation more enjoyable?"


Search Related Topics:  sex advice  masturbation  sex and disability

Sexually Frustrated and Morally Confused
"I have been with the most wonderful man for over 15 years. I love my husband and have no desire to leave him. However, he is the only person I have ever had sex with. Even though I have always known that we do not have great sexual chemistry, I have lived with it because he is wonderful in so many other ways. I am getting older and feeling bitter and cheated out of one of life's greatest experiences. Despite my many attempts to improve our sex life, he shows very little interest. I just don't know what to do. I feel like I will become more and more bitter the way things are now. However, I'm afraid if I have an affair, it will ruin my marriage, my family and my life. I do not know where to find an answer."


Search Related Topics:  sex advice  infidelity  monogamy

Sex Tips for the Rest of Us

This exercise, called stop and go sex play, offers a playful way to teach your partner what kinds of sexual touch you like, and what kinds you’re not so hot on.



Search Related Topics:  sex tips for couples  sex how tos 

Sex Tips Just for You
Contemplate the sound of one hand clapping with these masturbation techniques for the novice and the pro.


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    Cory Silverberg
    Sexuality Guide
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