Tuesday, April 15, 2014

About Smoking Cessation: Lean Into It - Jeff's Story

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Smoking Cessation

Health Risks

How to Quit

After Quitting

From Terry Martin, your Guide to Smoking Cessation

I always tell folks that the key to breaking ties with smoking permanently lies in changing the relationship we have with our cigarettes....if you want to change your life, change your mind.

This week's highlight feature comes forum member Jeff (Jeff1984).  At two years smoke-free, he shares his perspectives on the mental game that recovery from nicotine addiction is.

Thanks for sharing Jeff, and have a great week, all.

Lean Into It - Jeff's 2 Year Milestone
At two years smoke-free, Jeff has learned valuable lessons about going with the flow instead of fighting the current as it pertains to smoking cessation. He is absolutely right that the bulk of healing from nicotine addiction happens on a psychological level, and spot on about how to change our minds to help us change our lives.

Milestone Certificates - Free!
Once you've quit smoking, it's a boost to celebrate your progress as you reach significant milestones. Use the milestone certificate galleries here at About.com Smoking Cessation to commemorate your quit date, one or two year anniversary of the day you quit smoking.

Follow the instructions on the certificate page of your choice, and we'll mail you a customized .jpg image with your name and quit date - all free.

The 5 D's of Smoking Cessation
The early days of smoking cessation can feel like a constant battle, but the 5 D's is a tool that will help you manage the discomforts more easily.

Remember that nicotine withdrawal, while intense, does not last forever. Better days are ahead, and they're not far off.


Addicted to Nicotine Gum - Now What?

"I quit smoking 8 months ago, and I used nicotine gum to help me do it. I still chew the gum - I think I may be addicted to it! I only chew a couple of pieces of gum a day though...isn't that a lot better than smoking a pack of cigarettes every day?"

Search Related Topics:  nicotine gum  nicotine replacement therapy  quit aids

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This newsletter is written by:
Terry Martin
Smoking Cessation Guide
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