Tuesday, April 1, 2014

About Smoking Cessation: Finding Your Personal Motivator - Alicia's Story

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Smoking Cessation

Health Risks

How to Quit

After Quitting

From Terry Martin, your Guide to Smoking Cessation

Locking onto a strong personal motivator is key to changing the relationship we have with smoking.  Once we have that, the path toward lasting freedom from nicotine addiction is much easier to follow.

This week's top spotlight comes from Alicia, who at 10 months smoke-free has found what motivates her most.  Thanks for sharing your story Lisa, and congratulations on all of that smoke-free time you're logging.

Have a great week, all - make each day count!

I Just Don't Want to Smoke
Alicia has a powerful message to share in her 10 month smoke-free milestone, and it concerns the mindset we approach cessation with.  Mindset makes all of the difference, good or bad, and having a compelling "difference" as she puts it, can help you make the shift toward a positive experience.
Search Related Topics:  personal quit stories  reasons to quit smoking 

Don't Settle for Less in Your Life
Smoking is a way of settling for so much less than we deserve. It's self-destructive behavior, and that tends to trickle down into other areas of our lives.

Small Cell Lung Cancer - Cheryl's Story

When I met Cheryl in December of 2003, she'd been diagnosed with stage IV small cell lung cancer a month before. Inoperable and advanced, the prognosis was not good.

It was Cheryl's fervent wish to bring something good out of something so bad that drove her to open the door to her personal life and write about her struggle with the cancer that would eventually kill her. She wanted to help you, dear reader, avoid the pain and heart ache she and her loved ones were forced to endure by sharing the horrible reality that years of smoking had brought her to.

Search Related Topics:  lung cancer  smoking and cancer  personal quit stories

Bidi Cigarette Facts

A reader asks:

"What are bidi cigarettes, and are they a safe smoking alternative to traditional manufactured cigarettes with tobacco?"

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This newsletter is written by:
Terry Martin
Smoking Cessation Guide
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