Wednesday, April 30, 2014

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April 30, 2014
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About Low Fat Cooking: A Walk on the Light Side

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Low Fat Cooking

Low Fat Living

Easy Recipes

Seasonal Recipes

From Fiona Haynes, your Guide to Low Fat Cooking
I grew up in England, where eating fish and chips out of a newspaper was a weekly treat. Deep-fried cod and a heap of chips, generously sprinkled with sea salt and malted vinegar, were to die for. I try and avoid deep-fried food these days, but I still enjoy fish and chips -- a skinnier version. I also have a new recipe of orecchiette with ricotta, spinach, and seasonal fava beans to share, but a couple of suggestions for Cinco de Mayo. Have a wonderful week.


Skinny Fish and Chips
Living in the Puget Sound, I get to enjoy fresh fish and chips from time to time. As a child I have particularly fond memories of fish and chips being... Read more

Orecchiette with Ricotta, Spinach, and Fava Beans
Enjoy a light and delightful spring dish of orecchiette with low-fat ricotta, spinach, and seasonal fava beans .... Read more

Bean Burritos
These bean burritos are a perfect example of a lighter version of a favorite meal -- and just in tiem for Cinco de Mayo. There's a little cheese to accent the burritos, but it's the low-fat, high-fiber, protein-rich beans in a flavorful sauce that form the core of this Mexican-style dish.... Read more

Fiesta-Style Scallops
Add a little zing and zest to your seafood with these fiesta-style scallops, which make a great dish for Cinco de Mayo... Read more

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Featured Articles
Baked Goods
Holiday and Seasonal Recipes
Low Fat Meal Planning and Shopping
Cookbooks, Tools and Resources
Health, Fitness and Low Fat Living
5 Healthy Foods That Aren't


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Must Reads
Good Fats, Bad Fats
20 Ways to Cut Fat in Cooking
The Low Fat Kitchen
Low Fat Recipe Ideas
Low Fat on a Budget
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About Sexuality: Showing Mommas Some Love by Showing Loving Mommas

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Sex Tips

Sex Talk

Sex Toys

From Cory Silverberg, your Guide to Sexuality

Working at a sex store you could always tell Mother's Day was coming.  That might sound surprising.  Valentine's Day is the more obvious sex shop-friendly holiday.  And the first few years I worked in sex shops I was surprised myself.  But working in sex stores gives you a slightly different perspective on the world, and one weekend in May it especially blows away your preconceptions of moms.  

I had a similar experience looking through Ali Smith's collection Momma Love, which is featured in this week's newsletter, along with two other questions from reader's that are on two sides of a similar issue.  ~  Cory



Showing Mommas Some Love by Showing Loving Mommas
Last year photographer and mother Ali Smith released a beautiful collection of 40 portraits of mothers in the act of mothering.  It's a surprising and intimate look at modern motherhood in much of its diversity and messiness.


Doing It Decent – Hearing Your Parents Having Sex
An adult child has to move back home to live with their parents and is now in the uncomfortable position of having to deal with listening to them having sex.  She writes for advice both ethical and practical.


Search Related Topics:  sexual ethics  sexual boundaries  sex sounds

How Do I Tell My Parents I'm Thinking About Having Sex?
A young woman and her boyfriend are thinking about having sex and without getting into too many details she wants to check in with two people she trusts to see what they think.  The only stumbling block is that those two people are her parents.


Search Related Topics:  teenage sexuality  virginity  teens and stds

Sex Research Roundup
This week we hear two counter narratives from research: gender fluidity may be good for your health, and most of what you think you know about underage sex trafficking and pimps may be wrong.


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    What Positions Work Best to Avoid Painful Sex?
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    Sexuality E-Course: Weekly Sex Position
    Sex Tip: Breathe for Sex
    Sex from A to Z: Penile Dysmorphophobia


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    This newsletter is written by:
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    Sexuality Guide
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    All About Orgasms
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    Tuesday, April 29, 2014

    About Cholesterol: Ways to Spice Up Your Cholesterol-Lowering Diet

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    Risk & Testing


    Diet & Meal Plans

    From Jennifer Moll, PharmD , your Guide to Cholesterol

    Is your cholesterol-lowering diet getting a little boring? If so, try spicing up your diet by adding spices and herbs to your favorite foods. This newsletter features helpful tips on ways you can add cholesterol-friendly spices to your heart-healthy diet.

    Cholesterol-Friendly Spices

    Butter and salt aren't the only ways to make your food taste delicious. There are also a vast variety of spices available that can make your food taste great and keep your heart healthy. Try these helpful tips on adding these healthy spices to your favorite dishes.

    Cinnamon: Does It Lower Cholesterol Levels

    Cinnamon is a delicious complement to many foods. This article discusses cinnamon and what type of effect it may have on your cholesterol levels.

    Can Sage Lower Your Cholesterol?

    There has been some buzz lately about the healthy benefits that sage possesses - but can it lower cholesterol levels? This article will show you what the studies say about sage's ability to lower lipid levels.

    Turmeric and Your Cholesterol

    If you've ever eaten Eastern Asian or Middle Eastern cuisine, there's a good chance that you have probably encountered turmeric. But did you know that this yellow-colored spice has many healthy properties? Find out the health benefits of turmeric, and how it stacks up when it comes to lowering your cholesterol.

    Related Searches
    Featured Articles
    Cholesterol-Friendly Thyme Recipes
    Capsaicin and Your Cholesterol
    Ways to Include Heart-Healthy Oregano
    Turmeric Recipes for Your Low-Cholesterol Diet
    Garlic and Your Cholesterol
    Ways to Include Paprika in Your Meals


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    This newsletter is written by:
    Jennifer Moll, PharmD
    Cholesterol Guide
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    Contact Information:
    1500 Broadway, 6th Floor
    New York, NY, 10036

    © 2014

    Must Reads
    What Is High Cholesterol?
    Symptoms of High Cholesterol
    Diagnosis of High Cholesterol
    Treatment of High Cholesterol
    Prevention of High Cholesterol
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