Monday, October 5, 2015

All Exercise Counts - Get Moving Today

Physical activity is an important factor in living a healthy lifestyle. Exercise can help to reduce weight, maintain good blood sugar levels, improve sleep and increase energy. Any activity is better than none, so don't feel discouraged if you start slowly and increase gradually. Need some ideas for getting started? I've got you covered.... 

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All Exercise Counts - Get Moving Today

Physical activity is an important factor in living a healthy lifestyle. Exercise can help to reduce weight, maintain good blood sugar levels, improve sleep and increase energy. Any activity is better than none, so don't feel discouraged if you start slowly and increase gradually. Need some ideas for getting started? I've got you covered.... 

Barbie Cervoni, RD, CDE
Type 2 Diabetes Expert
Top Trackers and Devices for Diabetes Fitness
Many people are challenged by lack of motivation to exercise. Let's face it, if it were easy, everyone would do it. But, many Americans do not meet the recommended guidelines, and even fewer people with diabetes meet the guidelines...


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Need Some Motivation - Step Out and Walk for Diabetes
Walking is a great low impact exercise. Why not get in a work out while supporting a wonderful cause? If you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes you can get local support and help raise money for a cure by walking at a Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes event...
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5 Fun Outdoor Exercises that Don't Feel Like Exercise
One of the most common complaints about exercise is that people don't have the time to do it. Interestingly, I have found that once a person finds an activity they love, they make the time to do it regardless of how difficult it is to fit into their schedule...
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Get Started with an Exercise Program and Stick to It

Regular exercise is an extremely important for blood sugar and weight control. Physical activity can also have favorable effects on cholesterol, blood pressure, energy, sleep and quality of life. Whether you are looking to prevent diabetes, lose weight or improve your numbers, getting involved in regular physical activity can help you achieve your goals.
The most difficult part is getting started and sticking with it... 

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