Thursday, October 22, 2015

What You Don't Want to Forget to Pack for Labor

Trust me, I know that there are 101 packing lists for labor all over the Internet. Many include items that may leave you wondering why you would even consider bringing the item, only to pack it any way, just in case there is something that will magically reveal why you needed it once you're at your place of birth.

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What You Don't Want to Forget to Pack for Labor

Trust me, I know that there are 101 packing lists for labor all over the Internet. Many include items that may leave you wondering why you would even consider bringing the item, only to pack it any way, just in case there is something that will magically reveal why you needed it once you're at your place of birth.

Robin Elise Weiss, LCCE
Pregnancy & Childbirth Expert
Maternity Clothes Shopping
How the Dollar Store Can Save You Money on Labor Needs  

Yes, the dollar store, or whatever version you have of a store that sells very inexpensive items. The real problem with packing for labor is space and convenience. Stock up on these items and don't worry if you lose them at the hospital.

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Man packing suitcase.
12 Things Dad Needs to Pack for the Hospital  

One thing you should not forget to pack is a bag for your partner. Only you can know if he's better off packing it or if you should pack it yourself. Remember, his needs will be vastly different from yours but will help him help you.

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Pregnant woman packing suitcase.
Packing a Bag If You're Having a Cesarean  
Having a cesarean birth doesn't mean that you don't need to pack a bag for the hospital. There are still things that you will want and need, even before your baby is born. Here's what to consider putting in your suitcase.
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Family with newborn at hospital
How to Pack Your Bag for Having a Baby  

No matter what you pack for your birth, how you pack it is just as important. This method of packing your bags will help you stay focused on the important stuff and not about moving your luggage around.

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