Thursday, October 29, 2015

What's wrong with your belly?

Your pregnant belly, baby bump, pooch - whatever you call it, you probably have questions about it. How big should it be? Why is it doing that? When will it go away? From the first month to the last, your abdomen is constantly changing.

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What's wrong with your belly?

Your pregnant belly, baby bump, pooch - whatever you call it, you probably have questions about it. How big should it be? Why is it doing that? When will it go away? From the first month to the last, your abdomen is constantly changing.

Robin Elise Weiss, LCCE
Pregnancy & Childbirth Expert
Pregnant Heart Belly
The 5 Most Common Belly Concerns During Pregnancy  
Here are the five most common questions (and answers!) about your belly. Trust me, you are not alone. The good news is that the changes you experience are probably normal.
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Stretch marks on a pregnant belly
Will I get stretch marks?  

This is a question women start asking from the first time they ever learn what a stretch mark is, prior to pregnancy ever occurring.

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Pregnant woman pointing to line on her belly
What Causes the Dark Line on Your Pregnant Belly?  

Did you know that some moms get a whole line of darkness down their belly? It's not a zipper!

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Pregnant woman worried over pregnancy test
A Month-by-Month Guide to Your Pregnant Body  

Here's a quick look at how your body changes each month of pregnancy, from the very beginning until the end. It's a wild journey but one that you can confidently manage!

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