Thursday, October 22, 2015

What's Casual About Casual Sex?

** My apologies for the mix up with this week's newsletter. The newsletter you received yesterday was not ready to go out.  I promise a full Halloween themed newsletter next week.  **

Two people who don't know each hook up and have sex.  In the moment, both people consider the sex they're having to be casual sex.  Sometime after the sex,  one of them identifies it as something else, something more or less,.  Was the sex still casual sex?  Who gets to define what is and isn't casual sex?  For that matter, is sex ever really casual?

If by casual we mean by chance or without design or premeditation, have you ever had sex that you absolutely didn't want or plan ahead of time?  If by casual we mean lack of interest, wouldn't that define a lot of sex people have in committed relationships?  Can you have casual sex with someone you've had non-casual sex with?  Is it possible to make a meaningful statement about casual sex and not just end every sentence with an annoying question mark?  Read on and find out.  ~  Cory
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What's Casual About Casual Sex?
** My apologies for the mix up with this week's newsletter. The newsletter you received yesterday was not ready to go out.  I promise a full Halloween themed newsletter next week.  **

Two people who don't know each hook up and have sex.  In the moment, both people consider the sex they're having to be casual sex.  Sometime after the sex,  one of them identifies it as something else, something more or less,.  Was the sex still casual sex?  Who gets to define what is and isn't casual sex?  For that matter, is sex ever really casual?

If by casual we mean by chance or without design or premeditation, have you ever had sex that you absolutely didn't want or plan ahead of time?  If by casual we mean lack of interest, wouldn't that define a lot of sex people have in committed relationships?  Can you have casual sex with someone you've had non-casual sex with?  Is it possible to make a meaningful statement about casual sex and not just end every sentence with an annoying question mark?  Read on and find out.  ~  Cory
Cory Silverberg
Sexuality Expert
Searching for Meaning in Casual Sex  
Here's how researchers and the rest of us have struggled to define just what counts as casual sex.
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Sex Research Confuses Casual Sex with Causal Sex  
Overzealous researchers hoping to prove that casual sex leads to depression, suicide, and bad oral hygiene* take too many leaps in a study published in the Journal of Sex Research.  *I made up that oral hygiene part…but the rest is true.


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Understanding What Hookup Culture Is and Is Not  
Sex panics come and sex panics go.  Our most recent panic is about so-called hookup culture.  A sociology professor decided to stop reading the newspaper and start asking questions.
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A group of people with their hands raised to ask a question.
Sex Tip - Making Sex Communication Casual  
There's one element of sex that I wish we were all more casual about;  talking about sex.  Honest conversations about sex can feel difficult or awkward in part because they are so rare.  My life is made much easier by the fact that I talk about sex every day.  I talk about sex with family, with partners, with co-workers, and this means that when I have to bring up a sexual concern or want to make a sexual request, it feels less out of character or out of bounds.  This week's sex tip is all about making sex an okay topic for daily conversation. 


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