Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Avoid a Baby Shower Disaster

A baby shower is supposed to be a great place to enjoy yourself. The truth is, for many families, it can be a time of nerves. Will Great Aunt Serena really bring up that embarrassing story about what you did at the holiday party when you were four? Will the food give everyone food poisoning? Will your family and friends get along?

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Avoid a Baby Shower Disaster

A baby shower is supposed to be a great place to enjoy yourself. The truth is, for many families, it can be a time of nerves. Will Great Aunt Serena really bring up that embarrassing story about what you did at the holiday party when you were four? Will the food give everyone food poisoning? Will your family and friends get along?

Robin Elise Weiss, LCCE
Pregnancy & Childbirth Expert
8 Things You Worry Will Happen at Your Baby Shower  
Let's start by being honest. You probably have some fears about your baby shower. I don't mean a twinge of nerves at having all eyes on you while you open presents, but a true worry that something not so great will happen. You are not alone. Here are some of the most common things to worry about.
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Female friends celebrating baby shower
5 Ways to Ruin a Baby Shower  
Let's face it, there are ways to take a really great party and make it a not so fun experience. With a bit of planning, you can often take that party frown and turn it upside down!
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Grandma at baby shower
10 Things Grandma Needs to Know About Baby Showers  
One of the biggest sources of concern for many women will be the older women in their family. Here are some touchy subjects for most grandmas and grandma-like relatives. This might help bridge some common understanding.
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