Monday, October 19, 2015

Avoid the Afternoon Slump with These Snack Tips

The 4pm hour can often be a tiresome one. And more often than not, people are choosing sugary treats and drinks to pick up their energy, which isn't ideal. Non-nutritious snacks like candy and other sweet treats can cause weight gain, blood sugar spikes and may actually make you more tired later on. Instead of relying on these types of foods to get you through the day, try a different snack option. There is something for everyone... 

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Avoid the Afternoon Slump with These Snack Tips

The 4pm hour can often be a tiresome one. And more often than not, people are choosing sugary treats and drinks to pick up their energy, which isn't ideal. Non-nutritious snacks like candy and other sweet treats can cause weight gain, blood sugar spikes and may actually make you more tired later on. Instead of relying on these types of foods to get you through the day, try a different snack option. There is something for everyone... 

Barbie Cervoni, RD, CDE
Type 2 Diabetes Expert
20 Diabetes Friendly Snacks Under 200 Calories
Snacks can play an important role in meal planning, especially if you have diabetes. When chosen wisely, snacks can add vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein and healthy fat to your diet. They can also help to prevent food cravings and low blood sugars. On the other hand, poor quality snacks can lead to excess intakes of calories, saturated fat, sodium and sugar, which can negatively impact weight, blood pressure, and blood sugar control...
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Top 4 Snack Bars for Diabetes

Snack bars may be convenient, but they can also match up nutritionally to a standard candy bar. With excess sugar, fat, and added ingredients, it's important to read labels and know what kind of bars you are getting. Make sure that...

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Weirdly Tasty Food Combinations that are Diabetes Friendly

When it comes to diabetes, what you eat is very important. But, it isn't always easy to come up with inventive and tasty snack and meal options that are actually filling and nutritious. Sometimes you need to get creative. I have gathered up some of my all-time favorite patient "confessions." Each pairing is oddly delicious and healthy. Perhaps you can give some of these a try...

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Sugary Drinks that Can be Damaging Your Diet and Your Diabetes

One of the first things I discuss with a new patient is his fluid intake. Adequate hydration is important for health. The American Heart Association says, "Keeping the body hydrated helps the heart pump blood through the blood vessels to the muscles. And, it helps the muscles work efficiently." But, if you are drinking beverages that are rich in calories and sugar, you can gain weight as well as increase your sugars...

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