Monday, December 8, 2014

About Type 2 Diabetes: You Deserve Some Holiday Cheer

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Type 2 Diabetes

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From Barbie Cervoni, RD, CDE, your Guide to Type 2 Diabetes

Whether you've just been diagnosed with diabetes or pre-diabetes or have had either condition for some time, you deserve to enjoy the holidays without feeling guilty or deprived. Learn the truth about common myths. I have a secret: you can eat fruit, drink alcohol and enjoy a regular sweet treat. 

Can I Drink Alcohol if I Have Type 2 Diabetes?

If you are bouncing from party to party and have no idea what you can drink, should you decide you would like to have an alcoholic beverage, read up on how moderate alcohol consumption is okay and what your best picks more 

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If I Have Type 2 Diabetes Can I Eat Fruit?

Scouring the dessert table and trying to avoid all the sweet goodies, but are afraid to eat fruit? Don't be - you can incorporate fruit into your meal plan with a few simple more 

Search Related Topics:  diabetes nutrition  healthy snacks  blood glucose

The Truth Behind Sugar Free Products
Sometimes the real thing is better than the lower calorie, lower sugar and lower carbohydrate option. Why? Those foods aren't always what they are cracked up to be - you eat them and are left feeling unsatisfied. For example, did you know that sugar free doesn't mean carbohydrate free more
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5 Things You Should Never Say to Someone with Diabetes
It's the most wonderful time of the year so don't let people bother you with silly comments. Learn what not to say to someone with more

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This newsletter is written by:
Barbie Cervoni, RD, CDE
Type 2 Diabetes Guide
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Bydureon - Once a Week Injectable Diabetes Medication
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