Wednesday, December 17, 2014

About Low Fat Cooking: Holiday Parties

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From Fiona Haynes, your Guide to Low Fat Cooking

The holiday party season is in full swing, and while it's nice to get together with friends, family, and even colleagues, we should be a little careful what and how much we eat and drink.

What to Serve at a Holiday Party
It's all too easy to overindulge at holiday parties, but if you're the one hosting, you can control the ingredients to some extent and even the portion sizes. Here are some great options for some healthier nibbles to offer your guests.

10 Low Fat Breakfast Ideas
With the holidays almost upon us, there might be a chance to enjoy a more leisurely breakfast, especially on weekends or if we're snowed in for a day or two. So here are some delicious, low-fat ideas to start your day right.
Search Related Topics:  low fat breakfast recipes  healthy breakfasts 

Home or Away, Keep Your Holiday Eating Healthy
Whether you're spending the holidays at home or away, here are some ways to keep fat and calories in check, without feeling that you're missing out.

10 Low Fat Christmas Recipes
There's no shortage of Christmas recipes posted and printed online and in magazines, but if you're looking for lighter recipes, then here are 10 to get things started.

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Fiona Haynes
Low Fat Cooking Guide
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