Thursday, December 11, 2014

About Sexuality: A Matter of Taste

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From Cory Silverberg, your Guide to Sexuality

We live in a "cover up" culture when it comes to most of our bodily functions.  The popularity of deodorants, air sanitizers, perfumes and more are predicated on the idea that our natural smells and tastes are unseemly. Directly or indirectly most of the marketing for these products preys on our desire to smell (and taste) appealing to those we want to attract and a belief that to do that we need something more than soap and water. 

This week we’re exploring the issue of taste.  What it’s like, what goes into it, and how to change it if you really want to.  ~ Cory


Can You Change the Taste of Semen?
There’s a growing number of products (and at least one patent pending) designed to directly change the taste of semen.  I’m wary of most of these “dietary supplements” but there are other less expensive, less invasive diet regimens that some men swear by.  And whether they really work or not, we could probably all benefit from eating a bit more parsley.


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Semen Allergy: Rare, but Real
Sometimes it isn’t the taste that’s the problem.


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Can You Change the Taste of Vaginal Secretions?
There are far more products meant to deodorize and sanitize (I’ll spare you the “do you ever feel not so fresh” joke) than those designed to change the actual taste of vaginal secretions.  I’m not only wary of those products, I know most of them to be potentially bad for you.  But just as some intrepid explorers have researched what foods can change the taste of semen, others have delved into the verdant world of eating for vaginal taste. 


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Sex and Alcohol: The Good, The Bad, and The Pungent
Most people have an idea of what effect alcohol has on their sex life.  Unfortunately the ideas most people have are just slightly skewed by social expectation and millions of marketing dollars.  What few know is that one of alcohol’s less obvious effects is on how we taste to our partner. 


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