Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Managing Depression Newsletter

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Managing Depression Mayo Clinic named America's #1 Best
Hospital by U.S. News & World Report
December 31, 2014
Social support: Tap this tool to beat stress
Having close friends and family can help you through the stress of tough times. Here's how to build and keep your relationships.
Schizoaffective disorder
This condition may cause hallucinations or delusions and mania or depression. Learn the signs, treatments and more.
Mayo Clinic Guide to Pain Relief
This guide offers the latest pain management strategies from Mayo Clinic experts.
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About Low Fat Cooking: 6 Steps to Healthy Eating

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Low Fat Cooking

Low Fat Living

Easy Recipes

Seasonal Recipes

From Fiona Haynes, your Guide to Low Fat Cooking
Instead of a radical overhaul to your diet, why not take steps to make small changes, which taken as a whole can make a big difference? Happy New Year!


6 Steps to Healthy Eating
The path to healthy eating can be paved in a number of easy-to-follow steps that will convince you that cutting back on fat is not quite the sacrifice it might seem. Plus, the goal is not to eliminate fat, but to spend our fat calories wisely.


Search Related Topics:  healthy eating  low fat diets 

10 Ways to Eat Low Fat

With the new year, you might be thinking about how to start or restart a healthier diet. Or perhaps a medical condition requires you to eat low fat. Whatever your reasons or motivation, here are 10 things you can do to get started.


Search Related Topics:  low fat diets  low fat recipes  healthy eating

10 Things You Should Stop
If you truly want to eat low fat, here are 10 things you need to stop doing, one of which says to stop eating low fat products!


Why Low Fat Doesn't Mean No Fat
Lest you think eating low fat means giving up fat altogether, I want to assure you that it means no such thing, as I explain in this article.


Search Related Topics:  low fat diets  healthy eating  diet and health

Related Searches
Featured Articles
Eating Low Fat on a Budget
Stocking Low Fat Foods
Food Labels, Servings and Portions
The Lowdown on Low Fat


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This newsletter is written by:
Fiona Haynes
Low Fat Cooking Guide
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Contact Information:
1500 Broadway, 6th Floor
New York, NY, 10036

© 2014

Must Reads
Good Fats, Bad Fats
20 Ways to Cut Fat in Cooking
The Low Fat Kitchen
Low Fat Recipe Ideas
Low Fat on a Budget
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About Sexuality: There´s a First Time for Everything

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Sex Tips

Sex Talk

Sex Toys

From Cory Silverberg, your Guide to Sexuality

For those of us who observe the Gregorian calendar, tonight at midnight a reset button of sorts gets pressed.  It’s not that a new year actually washes away the past, but it is true that whatever you do starting at 12:01 will be the first time you’ve done it in 2015.  

I get nervous whenever I’m doing something for the first time.  Add in another person you care about (be it that one-night kind of care, the a rest-of-your-life kind, or something in between) and some nudity, and it’s hard not to let nerves, expectations, and anticipation get in the way of the more important part of sex…feeling good.  We may wish we didn’t, but it’s hard to forget our sexual firsts, and if you’re thinking about approaching one in the near future, this week’s newsletter is for you.  ~ Cory

Sexual Firsts
From first orgasm to first intercourse (and those two things are really much less related than we’ve been led to believe) get tips and techniques on how to make first time sexual experiences more fun and less painful (physically and psychically).
Search Related Topics:  sex tips  first time sex  sex advice

Asking for a New Kind of Sex
Sometimes sexual routines and boredom set in because of a lack of imagination.  Other times it’s because of a lack of communication.  If you’ve got something you’ve always wanted to try, or talk about trying, here’s a step-by-step guide to bringing it up.
Search Related Topics:  sex how tos  sexual activities  sexual communication

Does Anal Sex Always Hurt the First Time?
If you don’t have time to click through to this article, at least read the next sentence.  The short answer to this question is: No, no, no, it shouldn’t ever hurt.
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Why You Might Want to Skip Sex on New Year's Eve
New Year's Eve offers something for everyone who wants disappointing sex:  lots of pressure, huge expectations, and too much alcohol. Here's how to avoid making the same mistake so many of us do this New Year's Eve.
Search Related Topics:  new year's eve  sex advice  bad sex

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    Follow Me on Twitter!
    Weekly Sex Tip: Desert Island Sex Picks
    Sex Talks: Building a Sexual Life Together After Combat
    9 Weeks to Better Sex
    Sex Term of the Day: Sexual Behavior
    Sex Position a Week


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    This newsletter is written by:
    Cory Silverberg
    Sexuality Guide
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    Contact Information:
    1500 Broadway, 6th Floor
    New York, NY, 10036

    © 2014

    Must Reads
    How to Have Sex
    All About Orgasms
    The Joys of Toys
    Sex Positions for All
    10 Ways to Ruin Your Sex Life
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    Tuesday, December 30, 2014

    About Cholesterol: Make a Resolution to Keep Your Heart Healthy

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    Risk & Testing


    Diet & Meal Plans

    From Jennifer Moll, PharmD , your Guide to Cholesterol

    It's almost that time of the year for new beginnings - and making resolutions to improve certain areas of our life. When making out your list of resolutions for the New Year, don't forget about your heart - and your cholesterol. Lowering your cholesterol can not only improve your heart health - it can also help you to lose weight, aid in disease prevention, and may even save your life.

    Giving Your Cholesterol a Little TLC

     Although high cholesterol can be inherited, there are many instances where high cholesterol occurs due to an unhealthy lifestyle. Implementing TLC, or therapeutic lifestyle changes, can help keep your cholesterol levels low, your heart healthy, and prevent many other chronic diseases.

    Ways to Lower Your Risk for High Cholesterol

     There are many circumstances that can place you at risk for having high cholesterol. While some of these cannot be controlled, there are a lot other risk factors that can be. Find out if you have any of these risk factors, and how you can address them in order to lower your cholesterol.

    How to Start a Cholesterol-Lowering Diet

     Starting any healthy diet - whether you are doing it to lose weight or lower your risk of chronic disease - can be difficult. This article will show you how to make the steps to change your diet to a more healthier one a little easier.

    Common Myths Surrounding High Cholesterol

     Like other medical conditions, high cholesterol is often surrounded by rumors that may or may not be true. This article dispels some of these myths commonly surrounding high cholesterol.

    Related Searches
    Featured Articles
    Ways to Stick to Your Exercise Plan During the Winter
    Do I Really Need to Worry About My High Cholesterol?
    Buddying Up to Lower High Cholesterol
    Making Your New Year’s Resolution to Keep Your Cholesterol Levels Healthy
    Ways to Stay on Track with Lifestyle Changes
    Low-Cholesterol Cookbook Picks


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    This newsletter is written by:
    Jennifer Moll, PharmD
    Cholesterol Guide
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    You are receiving this newsletter because you subscribed to the Cholesterol newsletter. If you wish to change your email address or unsubscribe, please click here. If you would like to unsubscribe from all newsletters sent from, please send an email to with "Unsubscribe" as the subject line. respects your privacy: Our Privacy Policy

    Contact Information:
    1500 Broadway, 6th Floor
    New York, NY, 10036

    © 2014

    Must Reads
    Can High Cholesterol Lead to Heart Disease?
    What Are the Symptoms of High Cholesterol?
    Getting Your High Cholesterol Diagnosed
    How Can You Lower Your Cholesterol?
    6 Ways to Prevent High Cholesterol Levels
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