Monday, February 29, 2016

New Diabetes Guidelines-What Does This Mean for You?

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New Diabetes Guidelines-What Does This Mean for You?
Barbie Cervoni, RD, CDE
Type 2 Diabetes Expert
New Diabetes Guidelines-What Does This Mean for You?
The American Diabetes Association published the 2016 Standards of Medical Care for Diabetes. Find out what this means for you.
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The three key strategies to staying on track for the thanksgiving holiday is being: realistic, committed and prepared.
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5 Clever Ideas for Handling Leftover Halloween Candy
Excess candy intake can cause blood sugar spikes in people with type 2 diabetes. Learn tips for dealing with Halloween candy for the whole family.
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Eating Protein First May Help to Lower Your Blood Sugar
Eating protein and non starchy vegetables before carbohydrates may help to lower after meal blood sugars in people who have Type 2 diabetes.
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