Saturday, February 6, 2016

Common Complications in Pregnancy

Most pregnancies are just fine, but a handful will have some complications. While we have some idea of who is more likely to have complications, some women will have problems when none were expected - that is the entire point of prenatal care. Good screening, prevention where possible, and treatment when needed. So what should they be looking for in pregnancy?

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Common Complications in Pregnancy

Most pregnancies are just fine, but a handful will have some complications. While we have some idea of who is more likely to have complications, some women will have problems when none were expected - that is the entire point of prenatal care. Good screening, prevention where possible, and treatment when needed. So what should they be looking for in pregnancy?

Robin Elise Weiss, PhD
Pregnancy & Childbirth Expert
Pregnant woman getting her blood drawn
How is your blood sugar?  

The Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT) is typically done near the beginning of the third trimester to screen for gestational diabetes. About 4% of pregnant women will have this in pregnancy, and many go on to have issues post pregnancy.

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Lab technician with blood samples and medical chart.
The Meaning of the Rh Factor in Pregnancy  

The positive or negative Rhesus factor in your blood may be problematic if you are negative and your partner is positive. A simple blood test will let you know and you can get treatment.

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Women getting bp taken at OB office
What You Should Know About High Blood Pressure in Pregnancy  

Blood pressure problems in pregnancy, including preeclampsia are very troublesome for you and your baby. Learn about the warning signs so you can alert your practitioner between appointments if need be.

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Types of Placenta Previa
How Is Placenta Previa Diagnosed?  

Placenta previa is usually diagnosed via ultrasound, maybe after some suspicions. It can be diagnosed too early and resolve as well.

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