Saturday, October 3, 2015

5 Pregnant Belly Worries You Probably Have

The pregnant belly. It's what everyone associates with pregnancy, even before they know much about pregnancy. It is pretty obvious that you've got a baby in your belly, unless you don't - but wait, is that a problem?

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5 Pregnant Belly Worries You Probably Have

The pregnant belly. It's what everyone associates with pregnancy, even before they know much about pregnancy. It is pretty obvious that you've got a baby in your belly, unless you don't - but wait, is that a problem?

Robin Elise Weiss, LCCE
Pregnancy & Childbirth Expert
Late Pregnancy Woman Holding back
5 Pregnant Belly Worries You Probably Have  
Your belly is the only part of your pregnancy that you can see on a daily basis. So it's pretty easy to get really focused on it. Here's what most moms worry about in regards to their belly.
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Woman holding her breasts as she weans
Breast Changes in Pregnancy  
Yes, pregnancy changes everything, even your breasts. And, in a surprising turn of events, your breasts are usually one of the first things to change, even before your belly!
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BambooMama Women's Birthing Wrap
What to Wear in Labor  
Believe it or not, you don't have to give birth in an ugly hospital gown, unless you want to do so. There are a ton of really great options available now.
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Can you tell the sex of your baby at the first ultrasound?  
There is some research that says really early in pregnancy, like the first trimester, you can tell the sex of the baby from a simple ultrasound, nothing fancy, no blood work.
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