Tuesday, March 29, 2016

How to Burn 300 Calories While You Watch TV

Missed one of our Spring Leaning Articles? Click here! As we slide into home base and the month of Spring Leaning comes to a close, we want you to know two things: Fitness doesn't have to take place in the gym. Most of your calories are burned outside of the gym. Long-lasting results are about the little changes that you can sprinkle throughout your day. Do you spend enough time standing instead of sitting? That'll improve your posture, core strength, and glutes. Can you get off the bus or train one stop early and add fifteen minutes of walking to your day? That'll increase your total calories burned and give a welcome boost to your metabolism. And if you follow these easy tips, you'll burn 300 calories the next time you watch TV.
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Fit Life: How to Burn 300 Calories While You Watch TV

Missed one of our Spring Leaning Articles? Click here!

As we slide into home base and the month of Spring Leaning comes to a close, we want you to know two things:

Fitness doesn’t have to take place in the gym.

Most of your calories are burned outside of the gym.

Long-lasting results are about the little changes that you can sprinkle throughout your day. 

Do you spend enough time standing instead of sitting? That’ll improve your posture, core strength, and glutes

Can you get off the bus or train one stop early and add fifteen minutes of walking to your day? That’ll increase your total calories burned and give a welcome boost to your metabolism.

And guess what? If you follow these tips, you’ll even burn 300 calories the next time you watch TV.

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