Wednesday, March 23, 2016

A Different Kind of Porn Problem

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A Different Kind of Porn Problem
Cory Silverberg
Sexuality Expert
A Different Kind of Porn Problem
A reader writes to ask if there's something wrong with her because she's a lesbian but prefers to watch gay male pornography.
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5 Ways to Get More of the Sex You Want
These five steps won't guarantee you get more of the sex you want, but I promise, they won't hurt your chances either.
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Is Casual Sex Always a Bad Idea?
There are many factors to consider when it comes to casual sex. Here's a guide to thinking through the pros and cons of casual sex.
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Dealing With Other People's Sexual Baggage
Here's a guide to dealing with other people's sexual baggage when it gets in the way of talking honestly and directly with them about sex and sexuality.
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