Thursday, January 23, 2014

Mayo Clinic's plan for healthy aging

Live stronger, longer and healthier at any age
Mayo Clinic on Healthy Aging

From the desk of:
Edward T. Creagan, M.D.
Medical Editor

"Live stronger, longer and healthier at any age!"
We'll show you how in this brand new book ...

Dear E-newsletter Subscriber,

Picture a group of doctors, each a specialist in his or her own field, meeting in conference one morning. They've gathered as one to guide you toward optimal care of your heart ... to resolve any digestive discomfort you may be experiencing ... to minimize the impact of your aches and pains ... and to provide overall support for your age-related health needs.

That's the kind of wisdom you'll have in your hands from the moment you get your copy of a new book we created for everyone age 50 and up ... Mayo Clinic on Healthy Aging.

Mayo Clinic called together a uniquely qualified team of two dozen physicians to create this 400-page guide to caring for every aspect of your health after age 50.

It's quite possible you have heard of Mayo Clinic on Healthy Aging before, even seen a copy a time or two. After all, earlier editions have sold over 185,000 copies!

Given the great response to prior editions — and the needs of the growing ranks of age 50+ Americans — we've updated this top seller with the latest, most effective self care tips and medical treatments we know. We think you'll be delighted with all you'll learn ...

  • See why this remarkable book opens with one startling and hopeful statement: "Don't like the thought of growing older? Well guess what? You don't have to."

  • Make age 50 and up "a time of growth, creativity and renewal," and tell your body to remain at age 50 the rest of your life.

  • Discover the importance of having a purpose in life, no matter your age. When you have things to look forward to, your health is likely to improve. Hope and optimism are good for you, and we'll show you how to have them.

  • Learn 7 ways to relieve common digestive woes — heartburn, constipation and more.

  • Uncover the secrets of women who look years younger than their true age. Good for men, too!

  • Find out the 8 intimate secrets to great sex at any age. Discrete, practical and so effective.

  • Boost your immunity to its peak efficiency with our 3 very simple steps.

Mayo Clinic on Healthy Aging
reveals hundreds more steps our doctors recommend to stay stronger and live longer! And that's precisely what we all want for you! It's a great set of benefits from just one fascinating and trustworthy book ...

  • Our 3 healthy keys to the good life are someone to love, something to do and something to look forward to. (And if you're on your own these days, 2 out of 3 will do!) See the book for more details of Mayo's easy recipe for living well.

  • Is loss of bone strength and muscle mass inevitable? Definitely not! We share 7 habits that make the difference in how you look, how you feel and how you age.

  • 8 effective habits of men and women who sleep soundly, night after night.

  • What you can do to maintain your all-important vision, even as time goes by.

  • 6 ways to avoid or reverse embarrassing and uncomfortable urinary changes.

  • Why we view maturity as a season of joy, recalling the wit and wisdom of Mark Twain ... "Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been."

  • How to recognize common health risk factors that put your well-being in jeopardy. Spotting them early is smart — it means easier treatments, and can save your life.

  • 9 ways to cope with major life changes gracefully and keep your stress in check. These doctor-approved tips support both your emotional and your physical health.

We're sure that once you open this book and discover all the benefits, you won't want to put it down!

For only $29.95, take advantage of this wonderful opportunity today to achieve greater health, preserve your independence, look and feel younger, avoid major illness, and live your best life!

Yours in good health,

Edward T. Creagan, M.D.
Medical Editor

Order Now
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