Wednesday, January 1, 2014

About Low Fat Cooking: Happy New You

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Low Fat Cooking

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If you've made New year's resolutions this year, I am guessing that eating better -- or a variation on that theme -- is on your list. If so, and if cutting back on fat is one of your goals, then I have some great advice on how to accomplish that. The key to any change in diet is not to change everything all at once. Also, be patient. All too often, we embark on some kind of diet and we expect results immediately. Some diets work quickly to begin with but the kinds of changes required are usually unsustainable and we soon backslide. Take a more measured approach and watch those changes become healthier habits; in turn, these will translate into a sustainable healthier lifestyle. Some will lose weight, others will simply feel better and be more energized. The journey is different for everyone. Whatever your goal or goals, I wish you a happy and healthy new year.


Give Yourself a Low-Fat Makeover
There are many ways to lose weight and eat healthfully, and if your path to healthier living involves cutting back on excess fat, here's what you need to know Read more

10 Ways to Eat Low Fat
Want to eat low fat but not sure how to take the first step? Here are 10 easy steps for you to follow. Read more
Search Related Topics:  low fat diets  low fat recipes  healthy eating

A Healthy Refrigerator
By healthy refrigerator, I mean a refrigerator that's stocked with healthy foods. Now that the holidays are over, it's a good time to purge your refrigerator of leftovers, old items, and unhealthy foods ... Read more
Search Related Topics:  healthy foods  low fat foods  low fat kitchen

Common Myths About Fats
You can aim to eat low fat as a way to lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle, but remember, unlike sugar, you do need some fat in your diet. Here are some common misconceptions about dietary fat ... Read more
Search Related Topics:  dietary fats  saturated fats  healthy fats

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Even couch potatoes can be ready for a 5K with just a couple months of training. Read more...>

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This newsletter is written by:
Fiona Haynes
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Must Reads
Good Fats, Bad Fats
20 Ways to Cut Fat in Cooking
The Low Fat Kitchen
Low Fat Recipe Ideas
Low Fat on a Budget
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