Wednesday, January 29, 2014

About Low Fat Cooking: Healthy Snacks and Super Bowl XLVIII

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Snacks can play an important part in a healthy diet, tiding us over between meals. Of course, you have to choose the right foods for those snacks to be healthy. Fortunately, whether you want sweet, salty, soft or crunchy, there are plenty of healthy and delicious options. Serve some of these at your Super Bowl party this Sunday.

Healthy Snacks
It can be hard to make it from one meal to the next without being tempted to raid the cookie jar, nibble a piece of candy, or mindlessly dip into a bag of chips. But if you're serious about eating low fat, you should satisfy your between-meal hunger with healthy snacks.
Search Related Topics:  healthy snacks  low fat snacks 

Your Low Fat Super Bowl
Whether you're rooting for the Seahawks or the Broncos, or watching the Puppy Bowl instead, here are some great ideas for providing healthier versions of traditional game-day food ... Read more

Homemade Bread
When winter weather hits hard and you're stuck at home, you can make the most of the opportunity to cook and bake, so why not try your hand at making bread ... Read more

30 Ways to Cut Fat at Mealtimes
Sometimes eating less fat and fewer calories can be as simple as making small changes here and there that add up over time. Here are 30 things you can do to limit your fat intake at mealtimes ... Read more
Search Related Topics:  healthy eating  diet and health  lowering fat

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Fiona Haynes
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