Monday, January 20, 2014

About Pregnancy: What a Crazy Day for a Birthday!

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What a Crazy Day for a Birthday!
There are a lot of things that we do in our minds with dates and days, particularly when it's a birthday. This about it, we start as soon as... Read more

Teen Pregnancy Declines
Teen pregnancy is something that the vast majority of people have been trying to reduce the rate of since it started to be calculated. The problem is that there... Read more
Search Related Topics:  teen pregnancy  birth control  family planning

Folic Acid is Important in Early Pregnancy
It's Folic Acid Awareness Week. So I thought I would take a minute to talk to you about folic acid and why it is important, not only to pregnant women,... Read more
Search Related Topics:  prenatal vitamins  trying to conceive  folate

Which Cloth Diapers Should You Get?
Cloth diapers are so practical and have really flourished in the past few years. So what's a parent who is new to cloth diapering to when feeling overwhelmed at the choices… Read more
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This newsletter is written by:
Robin Elise Weiss, LCCE
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