Wednesday, January 8, 2014

About Sexuality: Is He Gay, or Is It Me?

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This week's newsletter was prompted by an email from a reader who is trying to figure out whether or not her husband is gay.  This is a question that came a lot in my years working in sex shops.  After being asked it the first few dozen times, and each time trying a different approach in my response, I began to notice that there was something connecting each of the askers, even though the circumstances were often radically different.  In each case there was such an intense focus on this one question, and an equally powerful belief that it had one answer, that the second part of the question (which was always "…or is it me") never had room to be really opened up and explored.  At times like these I think I can be most useful by asking questions, and acting sort of as a gentle arranger of time and attention.  So here goes.  ~  Cory



Is He Gay, or Is It Me?
Is it possible to sleuth out the truth about someone's sexual orientation?  And if you could, who decides if the answer is the correct one?


Search Related Topics:  sex advice  sexual orientation  sexless relationship

Is It Circumcision or Is It Me?
The question of whether or not being circumcised results in a different kind of sex or sexual experience changes if the person asking it is the person who is circumcised.


Search Related Topics:  sex advice  circumcision  male sexual health

Is It Piercing or Is It Me?

A conundrum involving twice pierced nipples and some missing sensation.



Search Related Topics:  nipples  sex advice  piercings

Is It Porn or Is It Me?

A voice we hear less of in the media discussion of porn:  a young woman who thinks her porn watching habits may be getting in the way of sex with her boyfriend.



Search Related Topics:  orgasms  pornography  sex advice

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    Cory Silverberg
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