Lesson 5 - Quit Smoking Success Stories | The last newsletter in this series puts the focus on quit smoking success stories. There is nothing more inspiring than hearing from others just like us who have smoked for years and quit successfully.
YOU have what it takes to quit smoking permanently. The key ingredients for success are your will and determination to quit smoking NO MATTER WHAT. Put yourself and your quit program at the top of your priority list and resolve to do whatever is necessary for however long it's necessary to break free of this addiction. Thousands do it every year, and SO CAN YOU. Believe in yourself and there is nothing you cannot accomplish.
"if you want to change your life, change your mind." | |
Six Month Smoke Free Milestones |
Dee Hits Six Months Smoke Free "Forget the 'woe is me'. Staying quit has to be your first priority. The attitude is 'Whatever it takes' - I'm going to do this, and everything else comes second for a little while." |
Neeny's Six Month Smoke Free Milestone "The benefits(of quitting tobacco) are endless...you can finally be the person you've always imagined yourself to be...but most importantly, this is your life we're talking about. How are you going to live it? We only get one!" |
One Year Smoke Free! |
Michelle's One Year Milestone Speech "Fourteen years and more than 10,000 packs later, I decided that I WOULD NOT be a slave to my addiction any longer." |
EB's One Year Milestone "I was sure I'd be the last person on the planet to still be smoking. I was sure I could never quit. Every birthday I began to feel more depressed and the self-hate I felt about smoking was beginning to affect every aspect of my life." |
Lesly Reaches One Year Smoke Free "I hear the newbies crying for help day after day, asking when it will get better. In my opinion, it depends on your ATTITUDE!" |
Personal Quit Smoking Stories |
Lorilu Quit Smoking "If I ever get cravings or even think for a minute about going back to smoking, I think about my mom. I think about how much I miss her. I think about the pain she had to endure before she died." |
Lane Baldwin - Why I Quit Smoking "Why did I finally quit smoking? After years of trying? After years of promising myself I would? After thousands of packs of cigarettes and many more thousands of dollars? Do you really want to know?" |
Terry Martin's Quit Smoking Story "When I started smoking cigarettes at the age of 19, I knew better. I knew it was a stupid decision. Unlike my folks who didn't understand the dangers of smoking when they started, I was fully aware. I knew it killed people, and I knew it was highly addictive. I was young and I thought I was invincible." |
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