Thursday, November 21, 2013

Quit Smoking 101: Lesson 1 - Why Do You Want to Quit Smoking?

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Lesson 1 - Why Do You Want to Quit Smoking?
Terry Martin
From Terry Martin, your Guide to Smoking Cessation


I know that because you are here, you're serious in your desire to kick cigarettes out of your life. You've signed up for this course hoping to find some help to get you moving in the right direction.

You've come to the right place.

The information in the following lessons will provide you with the education and support needed to quit smoking successfully. You'll learn what to expect as you go through the nicotine withdrawal, gain understanding about healing the mental side of this addiction, and get access to some of the best online cessation support available.

Our Reasons for Quitting

Why do you want to quit smoking? Beyond the obvious reasons of health and money saved, there are a multitude of other reasons for quitting, and they are as varied as we are as people.

Listing out your reasons in as much detail as possible is a good motivator, and also makes for a great first entry in a quit journal. Today's lesson provides you with reading material on why others have quit smoking, along with tips on creating your list of reasons and starting your quit journal.

Build the foundation for your quit program with knowledge and take things slow. Give yourself the time it takes to heal from nicotine addiction and you will find your freedom, just as surely as others before you have!

Reasons to Quit Smoking
Creating Your List of Reasons
Why do you want to quit smoking tobacco? What are your reasons? Making a list of reasons for quitting is the first step toward successful smoking cessation.

Creating a Quit Journal
A quit journal is a powerful tool that can help you reinforce your resolve to stop smoking. Consider making the first entry in your journal a list of the reasons you have to quit smoking. From the largest, most obvious reasons to the smallest, each and every one counts.

5 Key Reasons to Quit Smoking
All smokers harbor the secret hope that they will be spared the disease and death that follows nicotine addiction. We tell ourselves we'll quit in time and somehow dodge the bullet that smoking is. But with four million people dying every year due to tobacco use around the world, the odds aren't in our favor.

Why We Quit Smoking - Readers Respond
Making the decision to finally put down our cigarettes and call a halt to smoking is, for most people, the result of something dramatic - either an event or emotional angst. It's the final straw that makes us say "No More." Readers share their reasons for quitting tobacco here.

The Pros and Cons of Smoking
Most, if not all long-term smokers, have a love/hate relationship with cigarettes. From the moment we awake in the morning until we lay our heads down on the pillow at night, cigarettes punctuate each and every activity of our daily lives.

I Quit Smoking Because...
70 out of every 100 people who smoke wish they didn't, yet they go on smoking. Why? Because nicotine is an insidious addiction. In this article, Smoking Cessation forum members share the reasons they finally quit smoking, once and for all.

Two Months Smoke-Free - Kerri's Story
"My name is Kerri. I'm 31 years old, and I have been a nicotine addict for more than half of my life. I was 13 when I smoked my first cigarette. My friends turned green; I got good at it. By 15, I was using my lunch money to buy cigarettes." Smoking Cessation Support Forum
Support is a key ingredient in a successful quit program. Connect with others who are going through smoking cessation now, along with those who are further along and can offer advice.

This email is written by:
Terry Martin
Smoking Cessation Guide
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